Are My Immunizations Up to Date?

Are My Immunizations Up to Date?

Immunizations are an important line of defense against contagious diseases that spread easily to others and negatively impact our long-term health. As the recent COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced, we need to stay current on immunizations to avoid serious illness.

At Primary Care Walk-In Medical Clinic, our team of physicians offer a full range of immunizations in-office for both children and adults. If it’s been a while since your last immunization, we can get you back on track to protect your health.

How immunizations protect you

Immunizations work by introducing your body to certain infections, so it can build up its defense against them in advance.

When you get a vaccine, your body starts producing antibodies to strengthen your immune system. In the event that you come into contact with a specific virus, your body can recognize it faster and defend against it more effectively.

There are several immunizations that you receive soon after birth because your immune system isn’t fully developed yet. These vaccines protect infants from potentially life-threatening diseases, and they need to be updated throughout childhood and when you’re an adult.

Staying up to date on immunizations is especially important if you have a chronic disease that weakens your immune system or if you’re over 65. These factors can make you more susceptible to serious illness if you get a contagious virus. Being vaccinated can also help you avoid hospitalization and premature death.

Common immunizations you should have

At Primary Care Walk-In Medical Clinic, we offer the immunizations you need in childhood and adulthood. Some of the most common vaccinations you receive in your lifetime protect you from diseases like:

Some of these vaccines only require one dose, while others may involve a series of boosters for maximum protection. You should also receive a seasonal influenza shot each year to prevent flu-related complications.

To protect adolescents and young adults from human papillomavirus (HPV) infections that are spread through sexual contact, we offer an HPV vaccine.

Additionally, if you plan to travel outside of the United States, you may need one or more travel vaccines to protect you from diseases like yellow fever and malaria that are more common in other countries.

Now is the time to get immunization updates

If you’re not sure where you stand with immunization protection, our team can help you figure it out. We review your health history and any medical records you have to determine which immunization updates you need.

Our team creates a schedule for all the vaccinations you need, now and in the future, based on your age, health needs, and immunization history. For instance, you can expect to need a flu shot yearly. We also recommend that you get a tetanus booster every 10 years and stay current with the shingles vaccine.

When you can’t tolerate certain immunizations because of underlying allergies or other health issues, our providers can still offer guidance to lower your risk for getting seriously ill.

Schedule a consultation online or by phone today to make sure you're up to date with needed immunizations. You can also visit Primary Care Walk-In Medical Clinic as a walk in without an appointment. 

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