Are IUDs Safe?

Are IUDs Safe?

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a popular method of birth control for many women because of its many benefits.

If you’re considering an IUD but are concerned about its effectiveness and safety, you can speak with our team at Primary Care Walk-In Medical Clinic.

Our board-certified family medicine physicians can provide the information you need to make the best decision about your choice of birth control and health.

How an IUD works

An IUD is a t-shaped device that fits inside of your uterus. Hormonal IUDs like Mirena® release a steady stream of progestin hormones into your body to suppress ovulation. The hormone also causes mucus in your cervix to thicken, so sperm can’t travel to eggs for fertilization.

Nonhormonal IUDs (Paragard®) are available if you’re unable to tolerate hormones. This type of birth control uses copper, a toxic substance to sperm that triggers an inflammatory response in your uterus to prevent pregnancy.

Our skilled medical team places IUDs inside your uterus during a simple, in-office procedure.

The many benefits of an IUD

The length of pregnancy protection IUDs offer is one of the many benefits of this kind of birth control. You can expect long-lasting pregnancy protection depending on the type of IUD you get. Hormonal IUDs typically offer up to six years of protection, while copper IUDs can last10 years.

Plus, whenever you’re ready to have children, we can easily remove the device and offer resources to help prepare your body for pregnancy.

Another benefit of an IUD that many women enjoy is the convenience of the contraceptive. Because the IUD remains inside your uterus until you have it removed, you won’t need to disrupt intimate moments to protect you from unintended pregnancy.

The Paragard IUD can also be used as a form of emergency contraception in some women. If you have unprotected sex and are concerned about a pregnancy, speak to our team as soon as possible. The copper IUD can offer pregnancy protection if inserted within five days of having sex.

Facts about IUD safety

IUDs are considered safe for adult women and adolescent girls. They have a 99% success rate for preventing unexpected pregnancies and typically require no ongoing maintenance while in use.

There is a risk that an IUD may fall out of place during the first few months after insertion. If this occurs, our team can put it back in place and ensure no damage inside your uterus. Infection is also possible during IUD placement, but we take precautions to reduce infection risk.

While safe, IUDs can change your periods when you first start using them. For instance, hormonal IUDs can cause irregular or missed periods for a few months. If you’re using a copper IUD, you may have heavier bleeding during periods and experience more intense menstrual cramps.

If you’re not a candidate for an IUD or prefer another method of birth control, our providers help you explore your options for effective pregnancy prevention.

Call Primary Care Walk-In Medical Clinic to schedule an IUD consultation or book an appointment online today. You can also visit the clinic near you as a walk-in for IUD placement or removal.

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