Am I A Good Candidate for Botox®?

Botox® is a popular injectable treatment that can enhance the aesthetics of your face in just one visit. The aesthetic specialists at Primary Care Walk-In Medical Clinic specializes in in-office Botox treatments to address common skin flaws that affect how you feel about your appearance.

Our team carefully evaluates your skin and discusses your aesthetic goals to determine if Botox is the right treatment for you. We accept walk-in patients for initial Botox consultations for your convenience.

How Botox works

Botox is a prescription medication made from a purified form of the botulinum toxin, the same substance that’s responsible for food poisoning.

In specific dosages, Botox works on the muscles that contribute to deep-set wrinkles across your brow line and crow’s feet, the crinkles that form around your eyes. The medicine relaxes these muscles, so your skin can smooth out and appear younger-looking.

Our aesthetic team can also combine Botox therapy with dermal fillers to personal a “liquid facelift” plan that involves no surgery or incisions.

Good candidates for Botox

During your initial consultation, our aestheticians will analyze the wrinkles and creases on your face that you want to treat. They also review your medical history and discuss what your aesthetic goals are to determine if you’re a good candidate for Botox therapy.

We can qualify you for Botox injections if you’re unhappy with your appearance because of moderate to severe frown lines and crow’s feet but aren’t ready for surgical intervention.

Botox candidates should also:

If you have allergies to the ingredients in Botox, if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have underlying nerve or muscle disorders, you may not be a good candidate for Botox therapy.

What’s involved in Botox therapy

If we determine that you’re a candidate for Botox injections, our aesthetics team will design a treatment plan to ensure natural-looking results. We can apply a topical anesthetic to your skin to keep you comfortable during your injections.

You’ll likely receive multiple injections of Botox in different areas of your face to target severe wrinkles, lines, and creases. Treatment is typically fast and requires no special preparation.

If you’re also receiving dermal fillers to restore lost facial volume and enhance the natural contours of your face, our aesthetician will follow a custom treatment plan to strategically inject the fillers into the areas around your nose, cheeks, and lips.

Afterward, you might experience some mild side effects like redness and swelling, which go away in a few hours. You should be able to notice immediate results of your Botox injections and these results will continue to improve in the days after your treatment.

Get results that last

While results vary from person to person, many people enjoy the results of Botox therapy that last for three to four months.

Your skin will look and feel smoother and firmer. Without the crinkles around your eyes and the creases in your brow line, you’ll also appear more alert.

Our team can provide maintenance injections of Botox to help you retain your younger appearance in the long-term.

If you’re interested in learning more about what Botox can do for you, find out if you’re a candidate by calling Primary Care Walk-In Medical Clinic or by booking an appointment online. You can also visit the office nearest you as a walk-in for your initial consultation. 

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