4 Subtle Signs of Migraines You Should Know About

4 Subtle Signs of Migraines You Should Know About

Migraines are a painful type of headache that can disrupt the lives of both adults and kids. Before the onset of a migraine headache, subtle warning signs may help you prepare for the attack of head pain and other symptoms.

At Primary Care Walk-In Medical Clinic, our skilled medical team has extensive experience helping people manage migraines and preventing severe symptoms. 

We recommend that you schedule a consultation with our experts if you can’t find relief from migraine pain with over-the-counter medications and other home remedies.

Why you have migraines

Migraines are a neurological condition that results when your brain stem communicates abnormally with your trigeminal nerve. ou might also be prone to migraines if you have an imbalance in the chemicals in your brain, like serotonin, that helps regulate pain.

There are known factors that can trigger migraines in some people, such as:

You may also experience migraines if you’re around strong smells, bright or flashing lights, and cigarette smoke.

Risk factors for migraines increase as you age and if you have a family history of the condition. Women are three times more likely to experience migraines than men.

Subtle warning signs of migraines

Migraines can progress through four different stages. However, not everyone goes through all stages when a migraine develops.

In the initial stages, known as the prodrome stage, you might notice subtle warning signs that a migraine is on its way. Four common signs of an impending migraine include:

1. Neck stiffness

Ahead of a migraine, you may experience persistent stiffness in your neck and shoulders. These areas may also cramp up.

2. Mood changes

Mood changes before a migraine can include irritability, anxiety, or depression that persists for no identifiable reason.

3. Changes in bathroom habits

People with migraines may notice they need to urinate more often than usual ahead of a migraine. Some may also experience constipation in the days leading up to the onset of their migraine pain.

4. Strong food cravings

Before your migraine starts, you may notice you start wanting certain foods. Often, there’s a strong craving for sugary snacks and other junk foods.

Getting your migraines under control

Whether you have occasional or chronic migraines, our primary care providers can help you find relief from your existing symptoms. We also provide resources that reduce the frequency and severity of migraine headaches.

Available treatment options include:

Our providers can also help you pinpoint your migraine triggers to reduce exposure to them in your everyday life. We can recommend stress reduction strategies you can use to prevent migraine pain and other complications unmanaged stress can cause.

Call the Primary Care Walk-In Medical Clinic office near you to schedule a migraine consultation or book an appointment online today. You can also visit the clinic as a walk-in for urgent migraine care.

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